SAFE-T Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Expand Your Knowledge of Modern Fire Dynamics
The SAFE-T (Size-Up & Fire Extinguishment Tactics) train-the-trainer (TtT) curriculum offers a dynamic, live-fire training prop, allowing you to deepen your understanding of today's fireground and achieve safer more effective outcomes.
This class provides an exceptional learning platform, including the following topics:
- Fire science & modern fire dynamics
- Fire's impact on PPE & equipment
- Customer survivability & firefighter tenability
- Smoke characteristics and behavior and behavior
- 360-degree size-ups
- Identifying & mananging flow paths
- Extinguishment & water-application technqiues
- Thermal imaging camera (TIC) usage to include TIC size up
SAFE-T's prop allows instructors to demonstrate each program's learning objectives within a compact, recognizable environment. Most important, they allow students to engage physically with the curriculum, reinforcing lessons learned in the classroom.
Two-Day SAFE-T Fire Behavior Class: ($9,500) Package 15 instructors:
- One wood-burning fire-behavior prop (includes shipping and handling). Specs: Highly portable unit divided into three SO-pound sections including center hallway attachment for 1st floor: 1st floor with burn room, movable doors, and partitions; 2nd floor with movable partitions and windows; and peaked attic/roof assembly with movable roof and floor partition. Easy to clean and simple to maintain.
- Two Blue Card SAFE-T instructors for two days
- All training material and instructor guides (8-hour PowerPoint with instructor notes).
- Advantages: OSB fuels generate smoke, allowing instruction in smoke characteristics and behavior.
- This is an ideal class for those seeking TIC instruction.